Sara Amos Rubio, MSc



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Sara Amos Rubio (1987) is Program Coordinator at Episteme. She has a degree in Sociology from the Universitat de València and a Master in International Cooperation with specialization in Project Management and Development Processes from the Universitat Politècnica de València.
She began her professional career supporting a health inequity program linked to the Hospital de la Ribera (Valencia). She collaborated as a project technician to the Citizen Participation department of the ONGD “La Cuculmeca” in the north of Nicaragua in coordination with the policewomen of the city spreading the law 779 “Integral law against violence against women” in a context of high vulnerability and disenfranchisement of women in rural communities. Member of the now defunct research group “Transformacció” of the University of Valencia, she participated in the organizing committee of the First Congress of Feminist Studies of the University of Valencia.
She has worked for years for the activation of the gender approach in private companies through the implementation of equality plans in the private sector training a team of more than one hundred people responsible for teams and the implementation of a leadership model with a gender approach capable of activating the protocol against sexual harassment. She was part of one of the consultants to Economical Behavioural Science for the efficiency and effectiveness of public policies and conducted several studies for entities such as Intermon Oxfam.
In recent years, she has worked on the implementation of the anti-racist approach through trainings to young people in formal and non-formal educational centers and the elaboration of reports of recommendations to be implemented in the centers. In 2022 she has co-created the “Guide for the prevention of hate speech in digital environments” aimed at education professionals within a program supported by the Department of Equality and Feminisms of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
She is currently the coordinator of the “Community Service” program supported by the National Plan on Drugs. She works for the follow-up of the objectives, the implementation of the gender approach within it and the coordination with the government team, the social fabric of the city of implementation, the nightlife management and the rest of the actors concerned with the prevention of alcohol-related harm in nightlife contexts.

Among some of the projects from a community perspective, the following are worth mentioning Ciudadania Activa para unas Políticas Públicas” IO-Nicaragua, “Projecte RIU: un riu de cultures, riu de salut”, i “Un món, 17 reptes. Els ODS a la Índia rural a través de la FVF”.


Dona Nit

[Night and Women]

2020 – Nowadays
Intervenció social | Recerca

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RIU: “Un riu de cultures, un riu de salut”. Promoció de l’accessibilitat i utilització dels serveis sanitaris a entorns en situació de vulnerabilitat social.

[RIVER: “A river of cultures, a river of health.” Promoting the accessibility and use of health services in socially vulnerable environments.]

Intervenció social | Recerca

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Ciutadania Activa per unes Polítiques Públiques.

[Active Citizenshipfor Public Policies.]

Recerca | Intervenció social

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Mandala Igualtat | Promovent la reflexió crítica entre els/les joves a través de l’enfocament de gènere i intercultural emmarcat en els ODS de l’Agenda 2030.

[Mandala Equality . Promoting critical reflection among young people through the gender and intercultural approach framed in the ODS of Agenda 2030.]

2018 – 2020
Intervenció social

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Implementació del programa pilot Servei Comunitari de prevenció dels danys de l’alcohol i altres drogues.

[Implementation of the pilot programme Community Service for the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drugs.]

2020 – Nowadays
Recerca | Intervenció social

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Accionabilitat del II Pla d’Igualtat.

2017 – 2018
Intervenció social

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Un món, 17 reptes. Els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS) a l’Índia rural a través de la FVF.

2017 – 2018
Intervenció social

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Implementació del programa pilot Servei Comunitari de prevenció dels danys de l’alcohol i altres drogues.

Episteme Social, 2021

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Quines són les nostres presons?: Anàlisi exploratori de les majors limitacions per aplicar l’enfocament de gènere: Estudi de cas del projecte “Ciutadania Activa per unes polítiques públiques” aplicat a Jinotega (Nicaragua).

Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013
Tesis académica

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